— Additional Examples —

Awakening Imagination

Motion graphic pieces created for Lumen Technologies' Awakening Imagination mini series.

CJRW Customer Story

Motion graphics animated customer story about CJRW, and how they benefited being a part of the Lumen network.

Lumen® NaaS Demo

Lumen's Internet on Demand Demo.

Lumen® Tech Trends

Animation to promote Lumen's Tech Trends
report for Summer of 2023.

Lumen® Edge VM Demo

Edited, screen captured, and animated the demo
of Lumen's Edge VM service.

Lumen® SASE Demystified

Animated Lumen's teaser video for 
Lumen's SASE Demystified report. 

Lumen® NG 9-1-1 Exploration 

Animation exploration based off of this whitepaper.
This test became the boilerplate for future whitepapers.

Lumen® Seahawks Case Study

Recorded, edited, and animated this case study
highlighting the benefits of Lumen's partnership.

Lumen® IDI Animation

Animated and directed Lumen's brand animation.
Segment (1:55-2:12) was delegated to a junior staff member.

Chief® Alignment Shorts (x4)

Four motion graphic commercial ads featuring
the benefits of Chief alignment equipment.

Chief® Alignment Campaign

Motion graphic commercial compiling the four smaller commercials to make one larger video for web.

Rotary® Built By Shorts (x4)

Filmed and edited four employee spotlights
revealing the craftsmen behind Rotary's Lifts. 

Rotary® R180 Product Video

Scripted, filmed, and edited during my time with
Vehicle Service Group for Rotary Wheel Service.

R5000HD Product Video

Scripted, filmed, and edited during my time with
Vehicle Service Group for Rotary Wheel Service.

G Gundam Blu-ray Ads (x3)

Motion graphics built around remastered footage for
Rightstuf / SUNRISE's G-Gundam Blu-ray Collectors Set.

Rotary® R148 Product Video

Scripted, filmed, and edited during my time with
Vehicle Service Group for Rotary Wheel Service. 

Recycling Animation

Animation based off an Ohio EPA Recycling Poster during the end of my time with the City of Athens Government Channel. 

Bugged About City Codes?

Oldest video of the bunch from 2014. I have fond memories filming end editing this piece and wanted to share it.